Opportunity at Frederick Shepherds Farm Market
Calling all shepherds! Saturday, April 5, 2025, we will hold the Fifth Annual Shepherds Farm
Market at the Frederick Fairgrounds supported by both the Frederick County Sheep Breeders
and the Maryland Sheep Breeders Associations — an annual opportunity for marketing and
selling our products during a 5-hour, (9 am to 2 pm), 1-day event to a public ready to get out and
buy after having been cooped up all winter!
We have plenty of space for vendors again this year and are reaching out to all of you to let you
know of this amazing opportunity. Come and sell your fiber in all of its forms (raw fleeces, yarn,
fiber art and anything in between), your meats, cheeses, soaps etc.
We have expanded to accept other products as well that are farm produced such as started
garden plants and started dye plants. There are also sheep/goat themed products, décor items
and some items for those hard working farm dogs!
The market will once again be inside this year. There will be a few outside spaces if you prefer.
If you choose the outside option, bring a tent if you have one – if not, we can see if we can assist
in finding you one to rent for the day. The fairgrounds are offering use of tables and chairs if
you don’t have them. The vendor’s fee this year is $30 (an amazingly cheap price that is less
than the sale of one fleece, or one leg of lamb). If you are not a member of MSBA or FCSB it
will be necessary to become a member of one of these organizations in order to participate.
Each shepherd will have a 10’ by 10’ tent area, multiple spaces can be rented for an additional
$30 fee. Bring your own hand sanitizer if you will be asking people to sanitize their hands
before handling fleeces/pelts/fiber art products.
Advertising this event will ensure our success. We ask each of you to use your social media and
to distribute flyers in your area in addition to the advertising efforts we are making as the
organizers. Since this will be the first opportunity in the spring for people to buy the kinds of
products we create, we expect there to be a decent customer response, so come take advantage
of this great opportunity to showcase your farm and what you create on it. Below is a sign-up
form. We have a marketing chairperson this year, (thank you Jennifer Smith), who has already
had a meeting with us and is ready to hit the ground running with more advertising. If you have
ideas, please reach out to me and I can forward that information onto her.
Please send your application form (see below) plus the $30 Vendor’s fee (per space), via PayPal
to [email protected] (to cover the PayPal and bank fee, please submit payment of $33 if
using paypal); or as a check payable to FCSB and sent to Patricia Sanville, 4637 Cap Stine
Road, Frederick, MD 21703.
If you have any questions, please reach out to:
Patricia Sanville at 240-357-1437 or [email protected]
or Penny Sica at [email protected]