Carroll County, MD Agriculture Website– restricted to only Carroll County farms; list your farm – livestock, and products; agricultural links; land preservation, and more.
Club Lamb– EDJE Technologies – has directories for breeding sheep, goats, cattle, etc. can sort by name, state — designs excellent websites — paid listings
Frederick County Virtual Farmers’ Market– restricted to only Frederick County farms; click on image of animal or product to open that category — scroll down the list of advertisers. Easy to set-up your ad. Can easily change copy.
Local Harvest– listing of family farms, CSA’s, Farmers Markets, Grocery Co-ops, On-Line Stores to sell your products. Can search in many ways — product, name, city, state, zip code, etc. Can easily change and update your listing. Free listings, but they do ask for a donation.
Maryland Agriculture Information– click on “Farms” – has 17 sub-categories, such as “Sheep & Goats”. Can list your ad in multiple counties, or state-wide. Can add a photo. Easy to update. Call Susan Barnes for assistane. 301-432-2767 – ext. 301
Maryland’s Best– click “Register” and producer can set-up a free ad of their farm livestock, products, etc. Can search by: cities, counties, key words, products categories. Open to all farms. Contact Stone Slade, Marketing Specialist, for assistance.
Maryland Farm Products– click on “Find Me Local” — then can search by Key Word, City, County, and/or Zip Code. Map to farm is provided. Can also click on “2013 MD Farmers’ Market Directory”. Directory of Farmers’ Markets listed by Counties. Can print a copy of the 2013 Directory, 39 pages.
Rural Ads– Livestock, sheep, goats, equipment, etc. Free state ads, and paid national ads for $20.00 per 3 months. Easy to update ad information, can insert and change up to 4 photos.
Sheep and Goat Marketing Directory– part of Maryland Small Ruminent website, sheep farms, goat farms. Click on “Producer Directory – then Breeds.
U.S. Sheep Breeders Online Directory– 64 Sheep Breeds listed, plus Club Lambs, Equipment, Sheep Shearers, etc. Save a copy of your ad, more difficult to update ads.